Pittsburgh's favorite thrift store!
A nonprofit enterprise of the National Council of Jewish Women, Pittsburgh Section
Pittsburgh's favorite thrift store!
A nonprofit enterprise of the National Council of Jewish Women, Pittsburgh Section
It’s a new year, and you want a fresh look in your home. We know that tastes change over time…why not let someone else love the artwork that no longer fits your 2015 style? We’ll find new home for framed original or reproduced paintings, photographs, or posters. We’ll accept anything suitable for hanging!
Please drop off your donations to us at Thriftique, our sister store Home Consignments, or Anathan House in Squirrel Hill (1620 Murray Ave.) during business hours. Your donations will benefit programs of NCJW Pittsburgh Section, including the new Back 2 School Store, The Center for Women, Suit Yourself clothing vouchers and more. Thanks for your support!
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Click the button above when you shop Amazon online and a portion of your purchase is donated to NCJW!
Sunday 11am - 4pm
Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm
Thriftique is a social enterprise of the National Council of Jewish Women, Pittsburgh Section (NCJW). All of our retail establishments serve to fund our community service programs and advocacy efforts; specifically, our work toward improving women’s economic independence and security in our region. For more information, visit www.ncjwpgh.org.